Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pray With Me- Our Children

I LOVE the night when my home is open to my friends to come and pray.
To pray for the topics that fill our lives.
To cast our cares into the capable hands of our Father.

Tonight was that night and our topic was: our children.
For those of you who were unable to attend, here was our outline.

May His great love for you and your children fill your hearts as you cover them in prayer!

Prayer Night October 18, 2011

Our Children-

Thank the Lord for the children He has given us. View them as gifts specifically picked for us by a God who desires to bless us abundantly.

Pray that they would have hearts that desire to honor and obey us, their parents. Exodus 20:12

Pray that they would come to know Jesus personally at a young age and that their walks with Him would deepen and be real to them. That there would not be a day of rebellion against Him.

Pray that our children would be each other’s best friends. That they would stick up for one another, treat each other kindly and respectfully. That they would choose to be peacemakers.

Pray that we would train them up in love and respect, not provoking them to anger. (Ephesians 6:4)

Pray for our oldest children. That we would have wisdom and extra grace as we raise them. That the Lord would cover where we make mistakes. That they would set a good example for their siblings.

Pray that our children would meet and keep good friends. That they would be a blessing in their friendships and that they would be blessed by good friends.

Pray for wisdom over their education- which schools to send them to, which curriculum is best for them? That they would have a desire to learn and to do well in their studies.

Pray for their future spouses. That God would be setting them apart for that special someone.

Because of Jesus,


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