Thursday, July 21, 2011

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Every home and home school experience will look different, but I am going to include my routine for the simple purpose of showing one example of how we try and make it all work. This is a rough outline.

8:00- breakfast, clean up, start laundry on laundry days

8:30- read/sing/pray with preschoolers. Older students read devotionals

8:45- set up preschoolers with an activity and start math, language arts and seat work. This is done separately in my home, so I float between my students.

9:45- ‘Snack Man’ prepares snack

10:00- recess. At this time, I either change the laundry, make phone calls, write emails, go on a walk with the kids etc.

10:15- This is the time in school where we do all the combined teaching subjects (ie: My Father’s World, unit studies, Mystery of History etc.).

12:00- Lunch

After lunch- recess

1:00- Quiet rest time. This is when I get our ‘read alouds’ read. Everyone lays on his bed and I read a chapter in our book. Usually by the time I am done, my little ones have fallen asleep and take their afternoon nap while the older students and I slip out and have our reading time followed by any school work that has not been completed.

3:00- Nap time is usually done and chores are started. In order to school together and play together, we must work together. I have divided our household chores among the days of the school week and we tackle some each day.

4:30- Start dinner

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, reading this made me break out in a hot sweat! You are amazing! Organized beyond organized. I guess you would have to be with all you need to get done in one day, wooooo!! I am so amazed by homeschooling moms, truly a gift! You are a rockstar for sure!!!! Thank you for sending me your blog link, I look forward to your posts!!!! Link them on facebook if you can so I can be sure to catch them, I don't always get around to going through my blog roll.


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