Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Hard, But It's OK!

When it comes to home schooling, mothering, and even marriage,
I find myself tense up and feel discouraged when it becomes hard.
When my children fail to understand concepts in school, it's hard.
When I realize I need to invest more in character building, it's hard.
When I run up against strain in my marriage, it's hard.

Hard, in these areas, has always felt negative, discouraging, overwhelming.
But, recently the Lord brought these hard things to mind.

Is it not hard for a runner to train for a marathon?
Yes, it takes planning, dedication, determination,
Even at times, blood (blisters), sweat (running in the heat),
And tears (trying to work training into an already full life schedule).

Is it not hard for a student studying for a college degree?
Yes, it also takes planning, dedication and determination.

Is it not hard for a mountain climber to scale a mountain?

Or a gardener to reap a harvest?

Or a carpenter to build a house?

Or an author to write a book?

I hope you can clearly see that to all these questions,
The answer is most certainly, YES!

But when I look at these tasks and goals,
I think the hard in each one as fun,
Adventuresome, exciting, impressive.

Hard, in other words, does not have to be negative.
Hard, is part of a process I am journeying through.
Hard means I'm going somewhere.
Hard means I'm working on something.
Hard means I'm affecting someone.

Dear friends, when life gets hard, it's OK!
Remember your calling.
Remember your goal.
Hard comes with the task,
But the results will be worth it!

Press on and work hard on those hard issues.

Because of Jesus,


Linking up today:

The Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. Todd Wilson, at the last homeschool conference said, "If it's hard, it's probably good and if it's not hard it's probably not good!"
    Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.

  2. What a great encouragement! I love that Jesus' yoke is easy and light and He is our strength. When I look at my 'hard' tasks through His lens, I see it as an adventure, a challenge, not burdensome and something to somewhat dread. Thanks for always pointing to Jesus! Because of Him, right!:)

    1. Because of Jesus, truly! So thankful that He revealed this to me. Praying that I will see all things as from Him to take us where He wants us to go and to become the people He wants us to be. =)

  3. Thank you for the encouragement. Life in mid winter is starting to challenge me, and it feels 'hard' to make it through some of my days. These are challenges I have on my plate that reaps great rewards, so your encouraging words is blessing me. I look forward to pressing on this day and the next and the next.
    It's cold and overcast, but the Son shines in my heart today. Love you. Mom
    Yes, it's because of HIS GREAT LOVE


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