Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He loves, He Blesses

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge,
that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us...
Ephesians 3:19-20

Several years ago, I heard a wonderful truth
Taught in a new way.
The truth: God loves us and desires to bless us!
The analogy went like this:
Pretend for a moment that your pastor is on stage
With a basket full of one-hundred dollar bills in it.
He tells his congregation to form a line
In order to retrieve the money he has for each one of them.
The person in the middle of the line
Is not envious of the first person in line.
Neither is the last person in line.
For both know, along with everyone else
That his turn is coming.
He soon will receive his new, crisp one-hundred dollar bill.

This is how God's blessings are towards us!
He is in the business of blessing His people.
He has wonderful things in store for us.
'Above all that we ask or think.'
So why then do we envy those we see getting blessed?
I think because we are forgetting that
He has a blessing taylor-made for us as well.

I get caught in this trap.
Oh, I may not say it outwardly.
But, I do find myself envying those as they enjoy their blessings.
I am learning to truly be excited for others
Because I know my God has something in store for me.

This last week, I was pleasantly surprised
To find myself suddenly at the front of the blessing line.
My husband had a business trip.
He normally takes these by himself,
But this time he made all the arrangements
For me to go with him!!
Wow! What a surprise!
Three whole days to be with him,
To be by myself, while he was in his class,
Doing whatever . I . wanted. =)
This gift was taylor-made for me
From a God who loves me and chose to bless me!

He loves us, people, He really does.
So hang in there.
If you find yourself further down the line,
Know that He hasn't forgotten you,
He hasn't run out of blessings!
He has something special, just for you,
And who knows, He may surprise you.
And suddenly, you'll find yourself being handed your blessing!

Because of Jesus,

Linking up here:


  1. Thank you so much for the headband! What an awesome surprise! I wore it yesterday and my fiance said, "my, you're looking cute today". :)



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